Hair Growth

by - 12:32 AM

Low Level Laser Therapy for Hair Growth



Over 40% of men have noticeable hair loss by age 35 and 65% by age 60. In the United States alone, hair loss affects about 40 million men and 20 million women.

On the average, the human head has about 100,000

hair follicles. Each follicle can grow about 20

individual hairs in a person’s lifetime. Most people lose about 50 – 100 strands a day. Once a hair is shed, the growth stage begins as new hair from the same follicle replaces the shed hair. Hair loss occurs when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of

re-growth; when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when the hair falls out in patches.


Male-pattern baldness (also known as Androgenetic

Alopecia) represents about 90% of all hair loss.

Testosterone, a hormone that is present in high levels in males after puberty, is converted to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. DHT slows down hair production and causes a shrinking effect on the hair follicles to be shorter and finer until the hair eventually falls out. The hairline recedes over time and forms a

characteristic “M” shape pattern of hair loss with thinning at the crown (near the top of the head), progressing to partial or complete baldness.


Female hair loss usually occurs in more than one pattern. Unlike men, Androgenetic Alopecia usually affects women much later in life. Majority of women have diffusing thinning over all areas of the scalp, with the front temporal hairline remaining intact. Another common type of hair loss is Telogen Effluvium, which occurs

2 – 4 months after childbirth or from acute illness, crash dieting, physical and emotional stress. As women tend to have less obvious hair

loss patterns compared to men, diagnosis of hair loss in women should preferably be made by a medical professional.


Hair grows in repeated cycles of three phases. Normally up to 90% of the hair follicles is in anagen phase.

Phase 1 – Anagen (Growth Phase)

Anagen is the growing phase of hair. The process can vary from two to six years. During anagen phase, hair cells multiply rapidly and the hair shaft grows approximately 10cm per year.

Phase 2 – Catagen (Transitional Phase)

Catagen phase can last for about one to two weeks. It is called “transitional” phase as the hair stop growing and before the telogen/resting phase begins.

Phase 3 – Telogen (Resting Phase)

Telogen phase last about three months. During telogen phase, the hair does not grow. These old hair will be shed naturally or may be pulled out when we shampoo or comb hair. At the end of Telogen phase, the hair follicles

re-enters the anagen phase and new hair begins to grow

from the hair follicles.


Hair has a life cycle in which

growth only takes place during the

anagen phase. According to

research, LLLT’s photobiogenesis

therapy induces dormant hair

follicles into the anagen phase. The

stimulation generates growth of a

more vital, robust hair than scalp

follicles cangenerate on its own. This treatment is clinically and scientifically proven to safely and effectively stimulate cellular

metabolism, protein synthesis and regenerate tissues while increasing blood flow. Visible results occur within weeks.
Low Level Laser Therapy is clinically proven to increase blood flow within the nourishing cells of the scalp by 54%.


Backed by 15 years of clinical and scientific studies of Cool Laser Therapy, it documents a

40 – 60% increase in hair density. Combined with a significant 85% success rate in halting the progression of hair loss, the LLLT treatment is

clinically and scientifically proven for its

remarkable results with no incidence of adverse

side effects.

• Painless & effective

• 45% increase in hair counts with suppler, healthier hair

• Stimulates cellular metabolism, protein synthesis & regenerate tissue

• Increases blood flow within the nourishing cells of the scalp by 54%

• Optimizes photobiogenesis in hair follicles to stimulate hair growth

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